Gratitude for the Family
Today in the Catholic Church we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family - Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Jesus was born into a human family so that He can experience life as we do, and be like us in all things but sin. God in His infinite wisdom planned for Jesus to be born into a poor family and in a lowliest of manners - among the animals, laid in a manger - the feeding place for animals. Not too long after Jesus was born, Joseph, His foster father, was told in a dream, " Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you." And so, he did. The life of the Child was already sought the moment He was born (before, really). Perhaps, this does make sense - Jesus, after all, was born to die, and by that death, to save, to redeem, and to live. I can only imagine how Joseph and Mary was feeling. Their son's life was sought after and the King wanted Him dead. " Herod is going to search for the child and destroy him." ...