
Showing posts from April, 2020

How Much are We Willing to Put In?

Do we know what we are reading? We do not have all the answers but that is why we have each other. We must together turn to the Lord for His guidance for He so wishes for us to be with Him. He wants a relationship with us, but do we? And if we do, how much are we willing to put it to make this work? He gave us His life.

Not Judging Too Quickly

Let us not be too quick to judge. Sometimes what we see may not reflect what is really going on. Our Lord challenged His disciples to not see as man sees but to see as God sees. And, God sees the heart. People come to conversion at the level of the heart. Do not allow what your physical eyes may see prevent you from seeing with the eyes of your heart.

Professing One Thing and Believing Another

When we get blamed for something or accused of doing or saying something we didn't do or say, how do we respond? Or, when our kindness gets taken for something else and we in turn get the cold shoulder, how do we react? St. Stephen turned to prayer and asked for the forgiveness of those stoning him. Are we like St. Stephen who remains committed only to the Truth and to love even until death, or do we profess one thing with our lips and believe another in our hearts? What we profess must be the same as what we believe. Let us ask God for the grace of humility and courage to reject all duplicity. #Forgiveness #Truth #Humility #BelovedSonMinistry