Everything Little Thing Matters

Whether matters small or big, they are all important.  In today's Gospel reading we are told: "Amen I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of the letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place."

Rules are not always easy to be followed.  Sometimes the more minor a rule or law seems to be, the harder it is to follow.  For example, it is tempting not to come to a complete stop at a STOP sign.  It's very simple but our "go" mentality takes over and say "well, as long as there's no people or car, I'll just tap the brake lightly and coast by."  However, it is important to follow this rule.  It may happen that we get distracted and we accidentally hit a child crossing the street.

From a different perspective, tasks whether big or small all contribute to the greater good of the society and of the People of God.  Whether it be sweeping the floor or managing the airport traffic control tower, both are important, crucial, and essential.  Both are God's will.  Each one of us are asked to do many things everyday, sometimes they may seem trivial and unimportant but we must remember that they are all indeed part of the will of God.  If we neglect to pay attention to the small, seemingly minuscule tasks we have been asked to do, we will have said "No," and have rejected the graces God wished to give us.   

Sometimes our pride gets in the way of doing the will of God, especially if it comes in the form of small, seemingly trivial tasks.  We want to do something big.  We want to do something that can set us on our way.  We want to do something important in the world.  But that is not what God may be asking of us.  He only asks us to say "yes" to His invitation and trusting in Him and His graces put it into action.  Let us not forget the prayer Jesus taught us: "Our Father.... thy will be done..."  God's will be done.  Let us ask God for the humility to abandon our wills to His will and the profound trust to know and believe that by following His will, we will receive all of the joy and peace we so wish to attain and more.

Everything little thing matters because even the little things are the will of God.  Have you said "yes" to the little things today? 


  1. When we surrender ourselves to God, the amount of grace we will receive is overabundant and more than we can ever imagine.


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