The Annunciation, Our Annunciation
"Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you" is how the Angel Gabriel greeted Mary at the Annunciation (Lk. 1:26-38). What a greeting, and what a woman. Today we are reminded of God's unwavering love and boundless mercy towards us. He loved us so much that He was willing to send His only Begotten Son into the world, being born in this blemished world of ours. He chose to be born into poverty. He chose to take on sin so that we would not die, but have eternal life.
Take some time to read through the Annunciation account. Try to imagine yourself as Mary, a young teenage woman who was being diligent in her chores at home and suddenly this happened. Imagine God sending His messenger to you and asking you to take on a certain mission. How would you feel? How would you respond?
Consider this reflective imagery:
In many respects, God comes to us everyday and greets us warmly and lovingly as Gabriel did with Mother Mary. Granted, we are not addressed as "Hail, full of grace!" but rather, "My beloved one, I am here with you." Like Mary we may be scared, anxious, worried, confused, and even restless, but God assures us: "Do not be afraid, my favor rests upon you." Do not be afraid. God knows of our weaknesses and limitations and so He comforts and consoles us, "Do not be afraid. Do not worry. Do not be troubled. Trust in me. I love you."
Then, like with Mary, God may ask something of us, giving us a task and sending us out on a mission. "I have loved you with an everlasting love. Love one another as I have loved you. Listen to me. Follow my commands. Open your hearts to me. Speak the Truth. Serve my people. Encounter me in the midst of tragedy and in the sick and the poor."
Out of shock and fear, and in my insecurities and anxiety I may begin to raise concerns to the Father saying, "But, God I am just a simple, sinful man/woman. I am just one person. I cannot possibly do this."
"You are right. You cannot do this alone. Don't forget, I am with you. The Holy Spirit dwells within you. I have breathed into you my spirit. I love you. I am with you. You are not alone. What I ask of you may be to you humanly impossible, but in my love it is possible. All of your efforts in my name will be blessed. You have that divine love within you, and so it will be possible. Trust in me. You are my beloved son/daughter. I love you, and I am with you always."
God comes to us today and everyday telling us that He loves us and asks us to trust in Him. He also make requests of us and invites us on a mission and on a journey. Whatever that mission is or wherever that journey leads us through, the invitation is one and the same: Communion. To be in Communion with God. We may not know what the mission may require of us, but if we trust in God we can be assured that through both the easy days and difficult days we will be given the graces needed and the joy, peace, and hope that we so strive for in our lives. Let us allow God to alleviate our fears. It is natural for us to be scared and afraid, but God assures us that He is with us. He wants to be with us. Let us allow His Divine embrace to cast out our human fears so that we can be sent forth on this road and journey to Communion with Him. Let us turn to Mary and ask her to teach us how to put our faith completely in the Father. May we humbly say "Let it be done to me according to Thy Word."
Take some time to read through the Annunciation account. Try to imagine yourself as Mary, a young teenage woman who was being diligent in her chores at home and suddenly this happened. Imagine God sending His messenger to you and asking you to take on a certain mission. How would you feel? How would you respond?
Consider this reflective imagery:
In many respects, God comes to us everyday and greets us warmly and lovingly as Gabriel did with Mother Mary. Granted, we are not addressed as "Hail, full of grace!" but rather, "My beloved one, I am here with you." Like Mary we may be scared, anxious, worried, confused, and even restless, but God assures us: "Do not be afraid, my favor rests upon you." Do not be afraid. God knows of our weaknesses and limitations and so He comforts and consoles us, "Do not be afraid. Do not worry. Do not be troubled. Trust in me. I love you."
Then, like with Mary, God may ask something of us, giving us a task and sending us out on a mission. "I have loved you with an everlasting love. Love one another as I have loved you. Listen to me. Follow my commands. Open your hearts to me. Speak the Truth. Serve my people. Encounter me in the midst of tragedy and in the sick and the poor."
Out of shock and fear, and in my insecurities and anxiety I may begin to raise concerns to the Father saying, "But, God I am just a simple, sinful man/woman. I am just one person. I cannot possibly do this."
"You are right. You cannot do this alone. Don't forget, I am with you. The Holy Spirit dwells within you. I have breathed into you my spirit. I love you. I am with you. You are not alone. What I ask of you may be to you humanly impossible, but in my love it is possible. All of your efforts in my name will be blessed. You have that divine love within you, and so it will be possible. Trust in me. You are my beloved son/daughter. I love you, and I am with you always."
God comes to us today and everyday telling us that He loves us and asks us to trust in Him. He also make requests of us and invites us on a mission and on a journey. Whatever that mission is or wherever that journey leads us through, the invitation is one and the same: Communion. To be in Communion with God. We may not know what the mission may require of us, but if we trust in God we can be assured that through both the easy days and difficult days we will be given the graces needed and the joy, peace, and hope that we so strive for in our lives. Let us allow God to alleviate our fears. It is natural for us to be scared and afraid, but God assures us that He is with us. He wants to be with us. Let us allow His Divine embrace to cast out our human fears so that we can be sent forth on this road and journey to Communion with Him. Let us turn to Mary and ask her to teach us how to put our faith completely in the Father. May we humbly say "Let it be done to me according to Thy Word."
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