Loving by Example
"Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and dry them with the towel around his waist" (Jn. 13:5). At the Last Supper, Jesus showed His Apostles what real leaders, real men, and real Christians do - they serve. To lead is to serve and to serve is to love.
At the heart of leadership and service is love - love with humility. This was the lesson that Jesus wanted His Apostles to learn at the Last Supper. Just imagine that. Jesus knew this was the final time He would recline at dinner with these men in this way. And out of anything He could have focused on, He chose to teach and model a lesson of loving service. "I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do" (Jn. 13:15). When I have been asked to lead, do I do so with a mindset of service? Is love and service at the heart of all that I do?
Jesus chose to show how to lead, serve, and love in a way that most people would not do, especially in the time of Jesus: wash feet. Washing feet was the job of a servant. Yet, Jesus chose to touch and wash the dirty feet of the Apostles, who have walked the entire day in their sandals, attracting sand, dirt, and dust. The Son of God, the Christ, the Messiah did the work of a servant. He did so not because He had a poor self-image or low self-esteem, but actually just the opposite. Jesus was confident in who He was - the Beloved Son of the Father, and He knew what He needed to do. To do the Father's will was all the Son knew and pursued. So, when Jesus arrived at the washing of the Apostles' feet He had no problems doing so. He washed their feet because He knew He needed to and that it was the Father's will.
When we are tempted to live only for ourselves and to put our own needs before others, let us remember the humility that Jesus lived. Let us as the Father for the grace of courage to seek His will and do it.
At the heart of leadership and service is love - love with humility. This was the lesson that Jesus wanted His Apostles to learn at the Last Supper. Just imagine that. Jesus knew this was the final time He would recline at dinner with these men in this way. And out of anything He could have focused on, He chose to teach and model a lesson of loving service. "I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do" (Jn. 13:15). When I have been asked to lead, do I do so with a mindset of service? Is love and service at the heart of all that I do?
Jesus chose to show how to lead, serve, and love in a way that most people would not do, especially in the time of Jesus: wash feet. Washing feet was the job of a servant. Yet, Jesus chose to touch and wash the dirty feet of the Apostles, who have walked the entire day in their sandals, attracting sand, dirt, and dust. The Son of God, the Christ, the Messiah did the work of a servant. He did so not because He had a poor self-image or low self-esteem, but actually just the opposite. Jesus was confident in who He was - the Beloved Son of the Father, and He knew what He needed to do. To do the Father's will was all the Son knew and pursued. So, when Jesus arrived at the washing of the Apostles' feet He had no problems doing so. He washed their feet because He knew He needed to and that it was the Father's will.
When we are tempted to live only for ourselves and to put our own needs before others, let us remember the humility that Jesus lived. Let us as the Father for the grace of courage to seek His will and do it.
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