Meaning What We Say

We often hear people say "Practice what you preach" or "Say what you mean, and mean what you say."  That's a question we must ask ourselves and reflect upon: do we mean what we say, and do our lives reflect that? 

Jesus challenges and questions the Pharisees.  They claim that they are Abraham's children and descendants, but are they really doing what Abraham had taught or what he himself would be doing?  If they were doing so, they would be listening and accepting the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God, the Son of Man.  But, instead they are questioning His Authority, His Sonship, and His teachings.  They are certainly not practicing what they claim to preach and further more they are not being who they say they are.  By their actions and inactions they have compromised their identity.

How about us?  Do we act in the way that shows our authentic self?  If we claim to be someone, do we live up to that?  We are children of God.  Do our actions, thoughts, and words reflect such a great identity?  We must be compelled to practice what we preach.  Yes, we are not perfect.  We are human.  We are flawed.  But do we do our best to strive to live as the beloved ones of the Father?  We are His beloved.  Don't settle for less than who you really are.  You are made for greatness. 

Let us ask the Father for the grace to live a life of authenticity, after His Son, Jesus Christ.


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