"You Know Nothing..."

Sometimes we may feel like saying that to someone: "You know nothing... about me, about this situation, about anything."  Think of a time when you had that experience.  What was happening?  Who was the other person?  What did you say or do?  How did it play out?

In today's Gospel reading (Jn. 11:45-56), after having listened to the Pharisees and Chief Priests bicker, debate, and discuss what to do with Jesus, the High Priest, Caiaphas said to them "You know nothing."  Then what followed was the suggestion that putting one man - Jesus - to death would be quite worth it in order to save the entire nation to perish.  Even though what was said seemed harsh, it was a prophecy.  It was a prophecy spoken by the High Priest that year, the instrument chosen by the Father to use to deliver such a prophecy.  Though Caiaphas thought only of saving the Jewish people by cutting ties with this Jesus by calling for His death, the prophecy, in the plan of God was much more - not only by the death of this one man will the Jewish nation be saved, but also the entire world.  Through Jesus, and by the prophecy spoken by the chosen instrument of God, though weak and flawed, the sins of the entire world was wiped away and salvation won.

Sometimes there are people who may say things that sound harsh and nonsensical, but let us not judge to quickly. Let us rather take in what was said and bring it to prayer, and ask the Father if what was said had any meaning and if and how it contributes to the plan He has for you.  There are also times when we say things to people out of envy, jealousy, or other emotions, and that can sometimes end in unfortunate situations.  Let us also choose our words wisely and turn to the Father first before we use our words.  For words are powerful, it was through speaking and words that God created the world.  "Let there be light..."


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