Bystander or Standing By?

Life gives to us moments everyday to make decisions - some are bigger and more important than others.  Sometimes we need to make decisions that will directly impact and affect another person.  These decisions become increasingly hard to make as one gains places in authority.  Think of the impact of the decision of a judge.  He has the power and authority to change someone's life drastically.  Luckily for most of us, we do not need to make those decisions usually.  However, even though we are not judges, there are big decisions that we need to make everyday.

Will we stand up for the truth?  Will we choose to love?  Will we place ourselves in humble service of others?  When we see injustice happening around us, will we respond, "It's unfortunate that's happening.  But that's not for me to worry about." or "What's happening isn't right. It goes against everything that truth is.  Something must be done.  What can I do?"  In the Acts of the Apostles, St. Stephen speaks the truth but he became a victim to people's lies and half-truths, leading to his eventual martyrdom.  There were many people around him who may have agreed with him and knew that the lies said about him were not true, but did they say anything?  Perhaps they possessed the first mentality and did not feel that it was "their place" to do anything so they watched an innocent man be stoned to death instead.  In today's society this may play out not so much in someone being stoned to death, but in a similar way, spreading rumors, causing scandal and ruining the reputation of a just and innocent person.  All because of some words that we thought wouldn't harm anyone.  Words can save.  Words can kill.  The absence of words can also do the same.

So, will we be content with being bystanders, watching injustice play out and innocent people suffer and being mistreated, or will we choose to stand by them, advocating for the truth and fighting for justice, for what is true, good and beautiful?  Let us pray for the courage and wisdom to do the right thing.  


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