Living Life to the Full
"You only live once!"or YOLO is a popular saying and "mentality" of approaching life that rose to prominence a little less than 10 years ago. A comparable phrase is the Latin "Carpe diem!" or "Seize the Day!" The basic meaning of these phrases is good and true - we do only have one life here on earth, and we should take advantage of every opportunity that life affords us. However, I think the world has settled for less than what the deeper meanings of these phrases encourage.
Knowing that we only live once does not mean that we should just do whatever makes us happy, even if it is against the rules and laws, legal and moral. It does not mean that we should turn to live a selfish life where we place ourselves and our wants, desires, and comforts before anyone else. Jesus told His disciples, "I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly" (Jn. 10:10). Another translation would be, "I came so that they might have life and to have it to the full." God wants us to live meaningful and happy lives, otherwise He wouldn't have created us. Why create a group of gloomy people? He made us in His image and likeness. He made us to be great. To be great is to live life to the full, and to live life to the full is to live a life well worth living. A life well worth living is a life of love, received and given.
We do only live once here on earth - let us allow love to dictate how we ought to live this precious life. Let us seize this day spent in loving service of those around us. We are people created to live life to the full, let's start living.
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