The Prison Cell was Empty too

The Apostles were put into jail for preaching the Good News.  But we are told in the Acts really why they were put into prison: "The High Priest rose up and all his companions...filled with jealousy, laid hands upon the Apostles and put them in the public jail" (Acts 5:17-18).  They were jealous - jealous that even though they had seemingly put Jesus to death - for they denied His Resurrection - the people were still interested in this Jesus and what the Apostles had to say about Him.  They couldn't understand why.  The people were interested in the Truth, and it was this Truth that attracted the crowds.

Even though the Apostles were thrown into jail, they did not lose hope and give up preaching.  In fact, an angel led them through the locked doors and encouraged them to go back to the temple area and preach!  "Go and take your place in the temple area, and tell the people everything about this life" (Acts 5:20).  Just as the tomb was empty, so was the prison cell.  Truth cannot be contained, it must be lived and preached.  They tried to kill Jesus and yet He Resurrected.  They tried to lock up the Apostles and yet they stood preaching in the temple area.

After the Apostles were rescued from prison we might think they would rather go to a safe place and hide, just as they did when Jesus appeared to them after the Resurrection.  But, no.  They were commanded to and they willingly went back to the temple area and took their place there and preached the Good News.  As followers and disciples, we must take our place and take our stand in the areas of our lives and proclaim the Good News.  The Good News that Jesus died, descended to hell, and rose from the dead.  The Good News that God sent His only begotten Son into the world not to condemn it but to save it, and to give all those who believe eternal life and not damnation.  The Good News that the Father loves them and calls them His beloved sons and daughters.

Brothers and sisters, the tomb was empty.  The prison cell was empty.  We must allow God to free us from the prison cells that entrap us, the slavery to sin.  May we ask the Father to lead us out of the prison cells of darkness and slavery to sin and into the light and freedom of the children of God, and so to preach His Good News to all peoples.   


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