A Community of Love

The Trinity is a community of love.  I was taught that the Father is the lover, the Son is the beloved, and the Spirit is the love that they share.  The Father, Son, and Spirit form a community of love and serves as the example of how our lives, families, and communities should look like.  All three Persons love, and that's what they do.  Everything the Father does is out of love.  Everything the Son does is what the Father does.  Everything the Spirit does is what is proceeded from the Father and the Son.  The essence of God and our faith can be summed up in one word: love.

Do we strive to let this love reflect within ourselves?  In our families?  Workplaces?  Churches?  If we do not, then we are not Christians and we should not call ourselves as such.  We call ourselves Christians because we are those who follow Christ, who is love.  So, if we don't love then we are not Christians.  Let us learn to receive this love so that we can in turn reflect this love in all that we do, say, and think.

Father, I thank you for loving me into existence.  And I thank you so much for sending Your only Begotten Son so that I may dare draw close to you.  Teach me to accept and to receive this love and give me the humility and willing spirit to love others with the same love.  Father, all this I ask of You through Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.  


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