Being the Salt and the Light

"You are the salt of the earth... You are the light of the world" Jesus told His disciples.  As Christians and as the People of God and People of the Resurrection, we must be the salt of the earth that seasons and enhances the lives of others by the Good News.  When we eat and decide to use salt we are usually careful on how much we sprinkle (if we are not, we should!) If we do not add enough, the food remains bland, but if we add too much it becomes too salty and unbearable, and even unhealthy.  So is the same with us.  As the salt of the earth, we must know what to do and how to enhance the earth, and we know this by the Scriptures and through prayer.  Everything we say should only enhance the other person's experience of faith and draw them closer to God and deeper into the mystery of Christ.  It should neither be too pushy nor forced upon.  Just like faith, the salt and its effects are gifts, freely given and freely received.  As salt, our end is to enhance.  But we must season according to the taste of God and not of man. Do my words enhance the lives or others (by proclaiming truth) or is my speech degrading, demoralizing, or desensitizing?

We are also called to be the light of the world.  I can still remember in grade school we would sing the song "We are the Light of the World" at mass.  We are the light of the world, may our light shine before all, that they may see the good that we do, and give glory to God.  All that we do should lead people to God.  Do my actions lead people to God or do they lead them away?  But we must be careful that be do not compromise the truth in doing so.  In fact when we do embody being the light of the world we are becoming like Jesus.  For He Himself said, "I am the Light of the world."  So Jesus is inviting all of us to share in His mission and to share in His very being to be the light of the world.  We are called to be the light in the darkness.  The light for the hopeless who can only see a never-ending tunnel.  The light for those in despair that better days lie ahead.  The light for those who are blinded by the distractions of the world that lead them only to sadness and emptiness.  Brothers and sisters, we have been called to continue to shine this light through the darkness, the difficult times, and the trying times.  We must not let this light extinguish, but when the wind gets too strong and we feel our flame about to go out, then let us turn to Christ, who is the eternal flame and the Light that never goes out, and ask Him to fuel our flame and to reignite us so that we may once again go out and shine for all to see.

Jesus, you call me to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.  Please give me a spirit that is willing and strengthen my resolve to this calling.  When difficult time comes, teach me to always turn to You so that you can give me the strength and fortitude to keep going and to give witness to You, leading all peoples to You, giving glory to God. 


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