Moved to Drops of Blood

Often we hear of someone being "moved to tears" when they experience something emotional.  But, have you ever heard of someone being moved to drops of blood?  Jesus sweated drops of blood when He prayed in the garden.  The martyrs of the Church were so moved by the love of God that they were willing to have their blood shed.  Are we so moved by our God to drops of blood?

The Chinese martyr saints - St. Augustine Zhao Rong and 119 of his companions were canonized by Pope St. John Paul II in October 2000.  They showed genuine faith and unwavering courage even to the point of death.  They rather die - joyfully - than to apostatize, denying that the God whom they have fallen in love with existed.  They were able to make this courageous act because they were consumed by love.  They were in love with Love its very self.  This love enabled them to see that the life they were living then was only a means to get to the life that never ends.  This love enabled them to love, even their enemies and executioners.  This love moved them to be indifferent to whether they lived or died.  This loved moved them to drops of blood.

The native Chinese soldier Augustine Zhao Rong was so moved by the faith of the bishop whom he was accompanying to his execution that he asked to be baptized and was later ordained the first native Chinese diocesan priest.  Some of his fellow martyr saints were singing songs and praising God as they walked to their death.  One little girl exclaimed "Jesus!  Jesus!  Jesus!" as she was being executed.  They saw their trials, persecutions, suffering, and death as a blessing because they enabled them to see the Lord face to face.  When we face trials and difficulties do we see them as curses and painful situations and ruminate over them helplessly or do we welcome them and rejoice because we can see that those moments are actually moments of profound grace and unceasing blessings?

Father, teach me to embrace the trials and difficulties of my life for they are blessings and moments of graces in disguise.  Give to me the faith and courage of the martyrs, and teach me to want to desire to be consumed by Your love so that like the martyrs, I too may be moved to drops of blood.  

St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions, Pray for us!



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