In Times of Trouble

“They came and woke him, saying,

‘Lord, save us!  We are perishing!’

He said to them,

‘Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?’” 

Matthew 8:25-26 

Memorial of the First Holy Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church


Who do we turn to in times of trouble? Do we turn inward and drive ourselves into corners? When hardships and difficulties come our way, what do we do? Do we turn to drugs or alcohol? Who do we call out to? When the Apostles were at sea with the Lord, a storm came about and it frightened them. The winds were blowing and the seas were roaring, and yet the Lord was peacefully resting. The Apostles had thought that the Lord had forgotten them and no longer cared for them, but He was right there with them. Would He – could He watch them drown and die? Their faith was weak and allowed the storm on the sea as well as the storms in their hearts to take over, putting them into a state of panic.


When the circumstances of our lives grow shaky and uncertain, do we turn to the Lord? Do we anchor ourselves in Jesus? There is no fear, no situation, no problem, no storm too big or strong for the Lord. Just as Jesus was with the Apostles on that boat, Jesus remains with us even through the most difficult times of our lives. In times of trouble may we cry out, “Jesus, I trust in You! Lord, save me and strengthen me!” and may our unwavering faith bring us safely to shore with Jesus as our captain.

Listen to today's reflection here.


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