Not Simply Hearing

We are told that if we deny Him, Jesus will deny us, but He will remain faithful even as we become unfaithful. Jesus challenges us today to not just hear His words, but to actually do something about them! Don’t just simply hear His words, but listen to them. And to listen to them from our hearts so that our hearts may be moved to action. Faith alone is not enough. We can’t just say we believe and think everything will be fine and that our spot is reserved in heaven just like that. Works are needed. Not extraordinary work, not anything outside our means, but works that we are able to do. God always gives us all the help and graces we need to do those works. Faith enables us to ask God for that help. So, faith is needed, but it is not sufficient. Faith accompanied by good works with God’s grace is doing the will of the Father. Let’s get to work!

Click here to listen to today's daily reflection.


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