Nothing to Fear

What strikes terror or fear in your heart? What weakness of yours paralyzes you and keeps from trying? What causes you shame and keeps you down?  What troubling event in your past haunts you and keeps you from living? We all have these things that make us question ourselves – am I worthy of this?  Do I deserve to be happy? I’m a bad person. What do they possibly see in me? 

What God sees when He looks at you is His beloved child. Aren’t you tired of living in fear?  Aren’t you tired of settling because somehow you don’t feel worthy of something better? Aren’t you tired of feeling undeserving of love and happiness?  It is time to rise up. Jesus died and was buried in the tomb. He descended into hell and then rose up out of the tomb on the third day. It is time for you to rise out from the tombs of your fears and shame.

There will be people who will doubt you, curse you, and reject you, but that is no reason to stay down. Jesus came to free you from all those fears. Whatever your past may be, it does not determine your dignity. You are a beloved child of God and this love ought to move you to conversion, seeking forgiveness for your wrongdoings and living a life of transformation. With God as our Father, Jesus as our Savior, and the Holy Spirit as our Advocate, there is nothing to fear.

Listen to the daily reflection here.


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