Opening Our Hearts

When we close our hearts, we are not only closing ourselves off from giving love but also closing ourselves off from receiving love. Our society has twisted our perceptions and confused our judgments. What is true and good our minds have now processed and determined as insufficient and boring. Our minds have taken falsehood for truth and our hearts have been set on things that will not last. We have allowed our hearts to close and harden.   

Our hearts were made for love – true love, love that last and that endures hardships and suffering, love that is eternal.  Since what we truly desire then is eternal, it can only come from something eternal, and we know that only God is eternal. So, what we really desire only God can give to us. Jesus told His disciples, “Not as the world gives do I give.” The love and peace that God gives to us is lasting. The world cannot give this kind of love and peace to us.  The Psalmist asks us today, “How long will your hearts be closed, will you love what is futile is seek what is false?” It is time to stop loving what is temporal and changing, but rather desire what is eternal and lasting. It is time to stop settling for worldly lies and comforts, but rather seek the truth that sets us free. It is time to return to the Father. It is time to live more fully alive. Now is the time to open our hearts to love and peace and joy that will last forever, for only then will our hearts be truly at rest.


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