Spirit of Hospitality

“Whoever receives you receives me,

and whoever receives me

receives the one who sent me.”

Matthew 10:40

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

What does it mean to be hospitable or to be a good host? Am I kind to people because they have been kind to me or because I know they will be kind back? Am I generous with someone because I know they have the capability and means to pay me back? A true spirit of giving and hospitality is one that consists of no other intent than to give. Meaning if I am doing something for an ulterior motive then I am doing it for the wrong reason. I can think of so many times when I do something, yes at face value I am doing it simply because I know it’s the right thing to do, but deep down I hope for something in return.


If we are really to do something for someone then we really should not expect or even want anything in return. It is easier to be generous and kind to someone we know or like, but it’s not as easy when it comes to someone we do not really like. But we must treat them with the same amount of generosity and love as those whom we like. When we treat those who are unkind to us with love and generosity we are treating Jesus with love and generosity. I once heard someone say, “You only love Jesus as much as you love the person you love least.” Wow. That means I only love Jesus as much as I love the person that drives me crazy and who I rather not need to see or deal with. We are all created in God’s image and likeness, no matter how much we like or dislike them. So we must treat everyone with a spirit of disinterested or pure hospitality and generosity. May we ask the Father for the grace of humility and a heart that is willing to love both friend and foe.

Listen to the daily reflection here.


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