Come to Me

“Come to me, 

all you who labor and are burdened,

and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28


The Lord ask us to go to Him. In the busyness of our modern world, are we able to find rest and stillness? We are always doing something. Running from this place to the next, always on the move. But there is something special about resting and the peace that comes from it. In the Greek, the word used when Jesus said, “I will give you rest” is “ναπαύσω” which can be broken down into the parts “ανα” and “παυω.”  Ανα can mean in the midst, among, between, and παυω can mean make cease or desist, but it can also mean to release from sin. So, when we rest, we are really resting in the rest of Jesus Himself, and when we go to Him, not only we will receive rest from the works and burdens of the day, but the rest and peace that comes from the forgiveness of sins.


This rest does not requires us to go to any particular place or pay any amount for a vacation. To enter into this rest we only need to quiet ourselves and allow the noise from within our hearts – all the worries and anxieties – to settle so that the voice of God may be heard. Jesus says to you today, “Come to me, and I will give you rest.”


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