Cracked Cisterns

“Two evils have my people done:

they have forsaken me, the source of living waters;

They have dug themselves cisterns,

broken cisterns, that hold no water.”

Jeremiah 2:13


Have we forsaken Our God? Have we forgotten the One who calls us His children? Have we made our standards God’s standards and our ways His ways? Have we allowed our pride to blind our hearts and eyes from seeing the Truth? Although our mouths may not have forsaken the Lord, perhaps our hearts have. When our actions no longer reflect what we once professed to believe then we have forsaken our God. When our words are used to hurt, humiliate, judge, and condemn then we have forsaken our God. When our thoughts are used to plot against others or when they are used to objectify our brothers and sisters, then we have forsaken our God. When we have forsaken God we have also forsaken ourselves for all that we are and is comes from Him.

Not only have we forsaken God and ourselves but have made ourselves gods. God is our cistern, the source of our living waters, the source of our life. When we choose to not love our brothers and sisters, we choose to leave and cut off that source of life, and we dig for ourselves a new source, a source that does not really provide. We have become like cracked cisterns, no longer able to hold water, closed off to receiving the graces God wishes to give to us. May we today choose to return to the source of our life, our God who made us and fashioned us. We were not made cracked or broken; we were made beautiful and for greatness. May we allow ourselves to be open to whatever God has in store for us, trusting that it is the best plan for our lives.  


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