Firm in Our Faith
“Unless your faith is firm
you shall not be firm!”
Isaiah 7:9b
Memorial of St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin
Today we celebrate St. Kateri Tekakwitha, the first Native American to be canonized a saint by the Church. As a little child, Kateri had scars from contracting smallpox and has always been self-conscious about that so she would often cover her face. Kateri converted to Catholicism when she was 19 and took a vow of chastity, professing Jesus as her only spouse. Her family and friends did not agree with her decisions, but Kateri stood firm in her faith. Because of this and fear of persecution, Kateri moved to a more Christian-friendly community. A short five years later she died at the age of 24 from illness.
Despite opposition from her family and friends, Kateri stayed strong in her resolve to follow Christ and to remain chaste for her Spouse. Though she needed to flee to avoid persecution, her faith remained strong. The Prophet Isaiah tells us that the Lord reminds us that unless our faith is firm, we will not be firm. Who we are and how we live that out is rooted in our faith – not faith in ourselves but faith in the One who calls us beloved. If we know who we are and who and where we are from then we will be able to endure all things. If our faith in God is strong then we will be strong for our strength comes from Him. So today may we come to recognize and go to the One who loves us and calls us His own so that we may be the faithful witnesses and disciples we are called to be.
St. Kateri Tekakwitha, pray for us!
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