Now is the Time

“The Kingdom of God is at hand:

repent and believe in the Gospel.”

Mark 1:15


Now is the time to act. Now is the time to do better and to turn from our wayward ways. Now is the time to reconcile and make amends. Now is the time to love and to forgive.  Now is the time to stand up for what is true. Has there been something you’ve been meaning to start or to do? Do it! As long as it does not go against the Gospel, do it!  May all that you do glorify God and communicate His love and mercy to all. We cannot wait until later or when we are older to change our bad habits or return to the Lord because we do not know the time or day when we will be called home. We must be ready at all times. Like how we need to always be prepared to protect our family and have all the necessary precautions in place, we ought to do the same with our spiritual life. That can’t be put on hold. Now is the time.  Don't wait another second for the Kingdom of God is at hand.


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