Rotting Pride

“So also I will allow the pride of Judah to rot,

the great pride of Jerusalem.”

Jeremiah 13:9

Pride is a tricky thing. Is it wrong to be proud of yourself for a job well done? I don’t think so, but if it gets to your head and you begin to look down on people, then I’d say yes. Pride can get in the way of everything that is important to you, relationships being a major one. Pride focuses on the individual and slowly blocks out other people, even God. While we may feel that we are on top of the world because of our accomplishments and achievements, our relationships may be deteriorating, and our hearts may be rotting. This is not to say that accomplishments and achievements are not worth celebrating but if those are what drives our being and all that we do then the important parts of life may be withering. Sometimes we care so much about the bloom of a plant that we neglect what is needed to ensure the continued growth and health of the plant – the roots, the soil, etc. Selfish pride will only lead to death.

When we put all our energy into making sure our outward appearance is pleasing to others and our achievements and accomplishments known to others, we risk the opportunity to living life to the full. We risk losing the people we love and care about. May we allow our pride to rot away so that the new coat of humility may arise so that we may live life to the full, a life filled with joy, peace, and love – a life that we were made to live.


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