Seeking Peace and Freedom
“I will hear what God proclaims;
the LORD–for he proclaims peace to his people.”
Psalm 85:9
Today in the United States we celebrate Independence Day, the Fourth of July, celebrating and remembering all those who made freedom and peace and hope possible for a people who were desperate for it. America has been commonly called the land of dreams and a place of opportunities and freedom. However, all this is now at stake. Though we live in a country who boasts of its freedom of religion and speech, we have enslaved ourselves by our indifference and hatred. Some may say, “Well, not me!” Yes, true. But if we are to be truly the “United States of America,” then when one part suffers, we all suffer; when will we stand united and reclaim the name we call ourselves?
The freedom of this country was secured because we boldly proclaimed, “In God we trust.” But this freedom, this peace, and this country is now at risk because we, as a whole, as one, no longer trust or believe in God. True freedom and peace only comes from God, and so when we break away from God, the source of all life and truth, we are longer free. Hatred, bigotry, and bondage takes over. This Independence Day may we return to the God who loves us, who gives us peace, and who sets us free. Screaming and yelling, pointing fingers and shaking our heads won’t do it. It is not an outward change that is needed. What is needed is an interior change. May we seek out the God who proclaims peace to His people.
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