Send Me
“Then I heard the voice
of the Lord saying,
‘Whom shall I send? Who
will go for us?’
“Here I am,” I said;
“send me!”
Isaiah 6:8
Memorial of St. Benedict
Today we celebrate St. Benedict, the Father of Western Monasticism. He strived to be with God. There were too many distractions in the world so he went away to a quiet place to listen to the Voice of God. There is too much noise in our world today that keeps us from hearing and listening to God’s voice. But the reality is that God is calling out to each one of us even if we cannot or do not want to hear it.
calls us by name and has a unique mission for each one of us – a plan for our
lives that will bring us deep joy and lasting peace. God wants this for each
one of us. The Lord calls us and invites us to a mission that is uniquely ours,
and if and when we answer this call, that joy and peace will get us through
even the toughest moments of our lives. So, when the Lord comes to the silence
of your heart today, will you answer, “Here I am Lord, send me?”
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