The Important Things
“Jesus was going through a field of grain on the sabbath.
His disciples were hungry
and began to pick the heads of grain and eat them.”
Matthew 12:1
When Jesus and His disciples were traveling on the road, His disciples got hungry and so they plucked some grain to eat. The Pharisees got on their case and asked Jesus why His followers were doing things that went against the law. Picking the grains was not unlawful it was doing it on the Sabbath that was unlawful. But the Sabbath was made for man not the other way around. The whole point of the Sabbath was to rest in the Lord to praise Him and thank Him for all that He has done in our lives, and here the disciples were with Jesus, walking with Him – they were resting with the Lord, doing what was intended for the Sabbath.
Sometimes we can get caught up in the fine details and lose sight of the bigger picture. When we nitpick the small things we forget the important things. The important thing is that we rest in the Lord on the Sabbath. If we want to sit by the river and have a picnic with the Lord, what’s the harm in that? Our Lord reminds us to be like children, to enjoy the life the Father has gifted to us, yes mindful of His law, which is to love, but to not allow our hearts to be troubled and bogged down by things that cause us to lose peace. All things are in the hands of God. The important thing is to know that He has loved us and allow that love to move us to love others.
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