"Lord, Save Me!"
“But when he saw how strong the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, he cried out,
‘Lord, save me!’”
Matthew 14:30
Memorial of St. John Vianney
We are in the midst of hurricane season. Rain is pouring, winds are gusting, and property is being damaged. For many, power will be lost. For some, lives might be lost. There will be many storms in our lives. Storms are natural parts of life. Some will be more violent than others. Some will cause more damage than others. But storms are not everlasting. All storms eventually come to an end. Even though there may not be anything we can do to prevent the storms from coming or magically make them go away, we can learn to do the proper precautions and proactively brave the storms.
There will be times in our lives that make hope seem distant or joy and peace seem nonexistent. But we must hold on to them – hope, joy, and peace are everlasting! They come from God. When Jesus asked Peter to go to Him on the waters, Peter did but he doubted and grew scared and so he began to drown. In his distress, he called out to Jesus, “Lord, save me!” Even though he doubted and was scared, his faith and hope in the Lord prevailed and cried out to the Lord to save him. It is okay to be scared and even doubt, but we should never lose faith in the One who says to us, “Come.” It is God who calls us, and He will never let us drown if we cry out to Him.
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