Now or Never - No Looking Back

The Bible has quite a number of strikingly memorable verses (I mean the entire Bible is but there are some that just sticks to your brain), and among them is this one: " No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God " (Lk. 9:62). Jesus was not playing around - He sounded pretty serious. This reminds me of another verse from the first book of Kings where the aging and dying David tells his son Solomon, "Be strong and be a man!" (1 Kg. 2:2). To be a Christian, a follower of Christ, and a beloved child of God means to be present, look forward and not dwell on the past. Christians are people of the here and now. When Jesus invited the people to follow Him, they made excuses and pleaded to let them take care of some business first and then they will follow. But Jesus basically said, "No, it's now or never." Now, don't get confused. Jesus was not telling the people to abandon their work, fami...