The Prodigal Son and Our Belovedness in the Father, Part I
Selections from Part I of a talk I gave on the Parable of the Prodigal Son Younger son (YS) – “give me” mentality, I deserve my inheritance, it belongs to me – I take; “The son is as impatient as the father was kind” (Peter Chrysologus). (Grasping and grabbing) Really saying to the Father: “I wish you were dead.” It is usually only when someone dies that we receive inheritance. Imagine what takes place during those few days before the son leaves. When the son leaves and sets off to a distant country, he is not only leaving home, but he is leaving himself. He wishes to leave his identity behind. He wants to be his own person. How often are we tempted by this? “Be somebody” the world tells us. Somebody powerful, rich, and famous. Be somebody. We are already somebody. We are God’s beloved. Each one of us. We are loved by the Father from all eternity. “I have loved you with...