
Showing posts from May, 2019

We Cannot Bear It Now

"I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now" (Jn. 16:12).  Jesus had much more to tell His disciples, but He knew they would be unable to hear it then.  The setting in which Jesus said that was at the last time He would be with them before He would be arrested and crucified.  Even at this time Jesus thought of His disciples.  Jesus knows His disciples well like a "shepherd who knows his sheep."  God is the same with us. There are times when we wish we knew certain pieces of information or had access to certain things, and we become frustrated and even upset with God for not giving to us what we thought we needed.  The truth is that God always know what we need .  What we think we may need, we may not be able to receive it at that time.   Sometimes there are just things that if we knew at that time we wouldn't be able to handle it then.  Perhaps our hearts were not ready, or maybe we just did not have a strong enough foundation...

Being Grafted to the Vine

" I am the vine, you are the branches " (Jn. 15:5).  As a people, we do not live alone and we are unable to survive alone.  We are dependent and interdependent by nature.  Some may argue and disagree but they can debate all they want, but there is a Creator God who made this world and all that is within it, including us.  Look at the proofs offered by philosophy and science.  There are too many things that needed to happen in order for the earth to be as it is - the right mixture of elements to make earth inhabitable, the most minuscule building blocks of our bodies, etc.  Saying it is purely coincidence does not do it for me.  It is not coincidence, it is Providence. We were created out of love, with love, and for love.  In fact we were created by Love itself, for God is love.  In being created, we have been and continue to be nurtured and provided for by Our Creator.  Jesus tells us that He is the vine, the Father is the vinegrower, ...

Hardships are Necessary

I believe if you were to ask anyone who seems well-adjusted, doing well, and happy if everything in their lives has always been well and easy, I am sure they will tell you no.   It takes hard work to produce good results , in anything.  For a student, to get honestly good grades, one must study and work hard and diligently.  For a teacher, to be an effective instructor, one must do as much, if not more work than their students to prepare lessons and to love them well.  For a parent, to be a loving parent who does his best to provide for his family, he must maintain his career.  For an athlete, to play to win one must practice day in and day out, putting in sweat and tears.   All things worth doing are worth sacrificing for .  The struggles will be there, but if you keep in mind why you’re working so hard, those struggles will become opportunities to respond to grace and let God lead you. St. Paul and Barnabas told the people who were struggling to ...

Thirty Days with the Lord

Dear Brothers and Sisters - There will be limited activity and updates on here during the next month or so, as I will be on a 30 day retreat, drawing nearer and closer to the Father who first drew near to me and continues to do so.  Please keep me in your prayers and know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. In Christ, A beloved son of the Father

Being There in Spirit

"I will be with you in spirit."   People often say this when they are not able to be at a certain event but want to assure people that they will be in some way with them at the event.  "I'm there with you in spirit."  What does that even mean?  Do people really know what it is they are saying? In the Gospel according to John, Jesus promised His disciples that the Father will send the Advocate, the Holy Spirit to be with them always who will teach them everything and remind them of all that Jesus had taught them.   Jesus knew that He will not remain on earth forever and so He assured His disciples that even when He leave, they will not be alone for the Spirit will be with them.  Jesus here was not saying that in some ways as long as the disciples remembered everything Jesus had said to them and all of the encounters they experienced together, then Jesus will live on in their memories.  This is only a mere "remembering" of Jesus, an intellectual, ...

Understanding is Not Doing

"Amen, amen, I say to you, no slave is greater than his master nor any messenger greater than the one who sent him  If you understand this, blessed are you if you do it" (Jn. 13:16-17). What is the "it" that Jesus is referring to?  Something very important happened in the preceding verses.  Jesus washed the disciples' feet.  He gave them a model of loving service.  Jesus wants us to know that it is not enough just to understand and know intellectually the model of loving service.    We actually need to live it out.  We can't just know what we ought to do.  We must do it.  Perhaps we all know what the "right" thing to do is.  But do we do it?  If not, why not?  Let us reflect on that and bring it to prayer.  Father, I know and feel that I should do ....., but why am I not motivated to do it?   Let Him speak to you.

Living is Loving

"What do you live for?"  "Who do you live for?"  At the very core of these two questions is the asking of what drives you to do the things that you do or why do you do the things that you do.  In other words, it is asking you what and who do you love.  Who and what do you love so much that you are willing to give up your life for them?  To live for something or someone is really saying to them, "I love you." Think of someone you are willing to lay down your life for.  You are willing to do so because you love them.  As a people we have been called to live a life that is not for ourselves.  We have been called to live a life of love, which means a life living for the service of others.  It is the life that Jesus lived here on earth and that which He calls us to continue to live in His place.  Every miracle Jesus performed was for others.  Every parable Jesus told was to teach a lesson.  Every action Jesus carried out was to fu...

Being Set Apart

"I have something for you!" "There's something very special in store for you!"  Those are two statements that may rouse up inside of us feelings of warmth, love, and over all feelings of being recognized as someone important and special.  When we were younger teachers may have done something similar to us when they tried to encourage us and motivate us, "Tommy there is a very special mission for you!  You have been called to be a special agent to bring this very important letter to Mrs. Wheatland in the 6th grade.  You must do it with top secret!"  Tommy would usually have felt very much encouraged and would take this task very seriously and execute it with the utmost care.  Have you ever experienced that before?  Or, have you ever used that with someone before? Whether you have or have not in the past, we are being asked to go on a very special, important, and urgent mission right now.  Just as Saul and Barnabas was set apart by the Holy Spirit...

Living Life to the Full

" You only live once! "or YOLO is a popular saying and "mentality" of approaching life that rose to prominence a little less than 10 years ago.  A comparable phrase is the Latin " Carpe diem! "  or "Seize the Day!"  The basic meaning of these phrases is good and true - we do only have one life here on earth, and we should take advantage of every opportunity that life affords us.  However, I think the world has settled for less than what the deeper meanings of these phrases encourage.  Knowing that we only live once does not mean that we should just do whatever makes us happy, even if it is against the rules and laws, legal and moral.  It does not mean that we should turn to live a selfish life where we place ourselves and our wants, desires, and comforts before anyone else.  Jesus told His disciples, "I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly" (Jn. 10:10).  Another translation would be, "I came so that the...

Who are You Following?

"My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me."  In our daily lives, what do we use to determine how we live that day?  What are criteria that dictates how we choose to respond to others and situations?  Do we stand on the shoulders of those gone before us or do we desire to start from scratch and make a name for ourselves?  Do we follow in the footsteps of those who have walked before us or do we lead our own lives according to our subjective truths?  Do we follow or do we walk alone? In the Gospels we often hear the descriptors, "followers," "disciples," "sheep," "flock" and others.  We are told that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who watches over His sheep and lays down His life for them.  It is comforting to hear Jesus say, " No one can take them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can take them out of the Father's hand" (Jn. 10:28b-29).  If we allow the Lord t...

Asking to Understand, Understanding to Know

" Do you understand what you are reading? " Philip asked.  " How can I, unless someone instructs me? " the Ethiopian court official answered (Read Acts 8:26-40). How many of us want to understand the mysteries of life?  Or know the secrets to joy and happiness?  Or for some closer to home, how many of us want to just know how to get through this week and put food on the table?  In the Acts of the Apostles, while on his way preaching the Good News, the Angel of the Lord told the Apostle Philip go south.  When he listened and followed the path as instructed, there he saw an Ethiopian court official who was reading from the Prophet Isaiah.  And the Spirit told Philip to go to him.  Philip did and he asked him the question that started this reflection.  "Do you understand....? "  By this question, Philip opened up for the court official windows and doors of opportunity and grace.  By being docile to the Holy Spirit, Philip was able to c...

All Were Scattered

What are some things that strike fear into your heart?  For some it may be the thought of death and for others it may the mere presence of a clown or snake.  For some it may be a resemblance of a traumatic incident.  What does this fear feel like?  For the early church, it was the fear of losing their lives for listening to and believing the One whom the disciples were preaching.  Persecution and death was what stroke fear into the hearts of early believers. We are told that everyone scattered "except the Apostles."  These were the men who walked, ate, lived, and spent every waking hour with Jesus - His closest companions.  Though they did not scatter then, they did scatter once - the moment when the guards with the Jewish leaders came and arrested Jesus.  They scattered then because they were afraid what would happen to them.  If they arrested Jesus, their teacher, what would they do with them?  Their faith and loyalty were tested....

Bystander or Standing By?

Life gives to us moments everyday to make decisions - some are bigger and more important than others.  Sometimes we need to make decisions that will directly impact and affect another person.  These decisions become increasingly hard to make as one gains places in authority.  Think of the impact of the decision of a judge.  He has the power and authority to change someone's life drastically.  Luckily for most of us, we do not need to make those decisions usually.  However, even though we are not judges, there are big decisions that we need to make everyday. Will we stand up for the truth?  Will we choose to love?  Will we place ourselves in humble service of others?  When we see injustice happening around us, will we respond, " It's unfortunate that's happening.  But that's not for me to worry about. " or " What's happening isn't right. It goes against everything that truth is.  Something must be done.  What can I do? " ...

"Do You Love Me?" - An Invitation to Freedom

" I am going fishing " said St. Peter, and the other disciples who were there said "We also will come with you."  At this point, Jesus had appeared to the Apostles before already.  They were no longer hiding in the locked room.  The appearances of Jesus had gradually warmed their hearts and strengthened their spirits.  But, Peter returned to fishing instead of spreading the news that Jesus had risen from the dead.  However, even here we can see what Jesus said to Peter in the very beginning coming to fulfillment: " Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men " (Mt. 4:19).  The disciples said to Peter, "We are coming with you!"  Peter was catching men, but perhaps he did not see the significance of this yet.   And so they set out for the sea to catch some fish. They caught nothing.  They were unable to catch anything because they have been called to catch men and be for God, fishers of men.  They were unable to catch anything beca...

"It is I" - The Three Words that Casts Out All Fear

After a long day, the disciples went ahead of Jesus, sailing to Capernaum.  The winds were blowing, and the skies were dark.  After sailing out a good distance, they saw Jesus walking on water and they began to fear and grow afraid.  At this Jesus said to them, " It is I.  Do not be afraid ." When I read and listen to this Gospel passage I am always reminded of incidences where parents or nurses trying to distract the child as pediatricians are trying to administer vaccinations.  The child is scared and anxious, afraid of the pain that the needle will induce and confused as to who these people are.  But the parent or a kind stranger offers comfort, a smile, or a funny story or joke.  Sometimes even a tasty treat.  All while the pediatrician pinches the child with the needle, injecting a solution that can potentially prevent the child from danger.  When all is done sometimes the child doesn't even remember a shot was administered and sometim...

Being Bold with Christ

" Master, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us" (Jn. 14:8).  That is what Philip asked of Jesus.  At this point Jesus had said that He is the way, the truth, and the life and that no one can go to the Father except through Him.  But then Philip wanted more.  He wanted to see the Father.  In being bold, Philip may seem to not have been not listening well!  But, nonetheless, Philip wanted intimacy with the Father. Initially Philip may come across as "What?  Why is he asking that?  Did he not hear what Jesus just said?"  But on the other hand, it could be because Philip listened intently to "No one comes to the Father except through me," that He then asked Jesus to show him the Father.  If Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and all who wishes to go to the Father must go through Him, then it was fitting for Philip to ask Jesus that question.  Though Jesus seemed a bit annoyed and disappointed, "Have I been with ...

Obeying God Rather Than Men

When people in authority asks us to do something, we either comply because we know if we don't, we will get in trouble or we do it because we believe what they are saying or asking of us is truly for our good.  The Fourth Commandment - "Honor your father and mother" is extended to teachers and other persons in authority.  We must respect and honor our elders and listen to what they have to say, but we must make a decision whether what they are saying is congruent and consistent with what God may be telling us and if what they say point to the true, good, and beautiful.  We are not called to just blindly follow and do whatever persons in authority tell us or ask of us - we must discern it and bring it to prayer.   In the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 5:27-33), the Apostles were again found preaching the Good News and telling people about Jesus and the authority figures said to them: "We gave you strict orders, did we not, to stop teaching in that name."  An...

The Prison Cell was Empty too

The Apostles were put into jail for preaching the Good News.  But we are told in the Acts really why they were put into prison: "The High Priest rose up and all his companions... filled with jealousy , laid hands upon the Apostles and put them in the public jail" (Acts 5:17-18).  They were jealous - jealous that even though they had seemingly put Jesus to death - for they denied His Resurrection - the people were still interested in this Jesus and what the Apostles had to say about Him.  They couldn't understand why.  The people were interested in the Truth , and it was this Truth  that attracted the crowds. Even though the Apostles were thrown into jail, they did not lose hope and give up preaching.  In fact, an angel led them through the locked doors and encouraged them to go back to the temple area and preach!  "Go and take your place in the temple area, and tell the people everything about this life" (Acts 5:20).  Just as the tomb was empty,...