We Cannot Bear It Now
"I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now" (Jn. 16:12). Jesus had much more to tell His disciples, but He knew they would be unable to hear it then. The setting in which Jesus said that was at the last time He would be with them before He would be arrested and crucified. Even at this time Jesus thought of His disciples. Jesus knows His disciples well like a "shepherd who knows his sheep." God is the same with us. There are times when we wish we knew certain pieces of information or had access to certain things, and we become frustrated and even upset with God for not giving to us what we thought we needed. The truth is that God always know what we need . What we think we may need, we may not be able to receive it at that time. Sometimes there are just things that if we knew at that time we wouldn't be able to handle it then. Perhaps our hearts were not ready, or maybe we just did not have a strong enough foundation...